Kitchen Garden Blog #5 - Potato Galette
Kitchen Garden Blog #5 - Potato Galette Potatoes are one of my favourite ingredients. So versatile. Used in so many different ways by different cultures from all over the world. I'm looking forward to introducing the KG crew to some Sichuan Potato Slivers soon. This time we kept it simple. Simple but superb. This is a dish that doesn't look out of place in top end restaurants. When it's well executed it's perfect, yet it only has 3 ingredients. Potatoes, butter and salt. What else does one need really? The mandolin is, in my opinion, the most dangerous piece of equipment in a kitchen. So sharp and so easy to take off the tip of your finger. I always insist on people using the helpful, if a little cumbersome, attachment that mitigates the risk. We talked about what butter consisted of and then clarified some, by heating it and removing the milk solids (the white frothy stuff that rises to the top when you heat butter). These have a tendency to burn and impart burnt fl...